Please tell me I'm getting wiser! You know they say (who is they?) that we grow wiser as we grow older. I think "they" say that just to make us feel better about aging!
Keeping a sense of humor during these "growing wiser" years is so important! For example, last night at spin class (not yarn-the bike), before class actually started, I was up chatting with some of my fellow spinners, when my instructor, Brenda, said "Jenny, you're leaking". That was the perfect opportunity to tell her that this sort of thing happens as we get older, usually when we cough or jump. That got a good laugh, which is what I was hoping for. I knew she was actually talking about my cheap water bottle.
So I am not sure that I'm getting wiser, but I may be getting funnier! Or is it more funny? Oh geez, I'm definitely not getting wiser!
Okay, so where was I? Oh! I bought some perfume from Nordstrom. I bought one of my favorites, Philosophy Amazing Grace (if you don't like heavy perfume, you'll love this light clean fragrance) and "The Beat" by Burberry (I was in the Hue store-love that place, and the saleswoman was wearing this fragrance and I loved it).
Along with this came a cute blue makeup case full of fun free samples! My favorite is the "Very Hollywood" Michael Kors perfect-actually, it's the bottle that I think is so cute!
I received a ton of other stuff, the one I found most interesting was "Go Smile" Luxury Toothpaste! Really!? "Luxury Toothpaste"!!?
So, since I love to give my opinion I thought I'd start by picking two of the items I received and try them out and let you know what I think.
Of course I have to pick the "Luxury Toothpaste"...and let's see...what else should I try? Oh, this one sounds good... Bare Minerals "Flawless Definition" Mascara...I love flawless stuff!
So I will get back to you next week and let you know what I think of these two products and then I'll try a few more things from my new "bag of tricks"!
Keep Smiling!
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