Sorry it's been awhile! Been busy with summer stuff, including our annual trip to Cocoa Beach, Florida! I used plenty of sunscreen and always wore a hat to get as little sun on my face as possible!
I thought I'd do a quick blog to tell you about a great website full of beauty information, for all ages! -I just received their must recent update about ways to prevent and/or slow down that darn aging process that happens to us all!
I jotted down a few notes, such as
1-drinking green tea is good (I think we all know that by now!).
2-Vitamin D3 oil
3-exfoliate (I do that everyday!)
4-less is more as far as makeup as we get a little older
5-RetinaA seems to be a must-so I need to check on that
and there's more! Check out their website, I think you'll find it very interesting and helpful!
Take care!